PSEO & Honors Program at FBCS

PSEO Dual Credit and Honors Program at FBCS (see pdf handout below).

Qualified Juniors and Seniors may earn college credits while a full-time student with FBCS. Dedicated students can earn enough college credits to complete a full year of college study while in high school.

Combined with CLEP testing out of other college courses, the student can complete even more. Students interested in CLEP should contact the Registrar at the college they plan to attend to see which courses they may CLEP out of.

(scroll all the way down for Faith Baptist Bible College Honors Bible courses)

State of Minnesota Department of Education PSEO Enrollment Form:

This form is REQUIRED to be completed in advance of EACH SEMESTER of PSEO study. Complete section 1, and the top line of page 2. (First-time PSEO students will not have a College Student ID number yet, so leave that blank).

This MN State form must be completed for EACH SEMESTER you plan to take PSEO classes.

PSEO Courses through the University of Northwestern, St. Paul:

New PSEO students: Fill out the UNWSP application online: Students only need to fill out the UNWSP application ONCE.

The following courses from the University of Northwestern @ St. Paul (UNWSP) may be taken for dual credit at FBCS, satisfying FBCS requirements:

  • HIS 1005 Historical Perspectives on Culture, Belief, & Civilization – 4 cr (satisfies requirement for 2 semesters of World History at FBCS)
  • LIT 1100 Introduction to Literature – 4 cr (satisfies requirement for first semester of British Literature only at FBCS)
  • POS 2005 U.S. National Government – 4 cr  (satisfies requirement for 1 semester of U.S. Government at FBCS)
  • SPE 1075 Public Speaking – 3 cr (satisfies requirement for 12th grade Speech at FBCS)

Link to the University of Northwestern @ St. Paul Full PSEO Course List

UNWSP PSEO calendar is shown below.

Honors Bible Courses through Faith Baptist Bible College:

FBCS partners with Faith Baptist Bible College to offer live instruction of two Bible courses per year that juniors & seniors may take for dual credit. These are college rigor courses, and students will earn college credits for successful completion. Currently, Faith is offering the following courses at the rate of $125 per credit hour for the 3-credit courses. ($375 total per course). Courses are taught by Mr. Jim Hunter, Th.M., Central Baptist Theological Seminary and M.Div., Central Baptist Theological Seminary.

If an FBCS student is interested in the Faith Honors Bible courses, they must download and fill out the Faith Baptist Bible College application and obtain a spiritual reference as noted on the application. There are no hard deadlines for application to the FAITH program, but students are encouraged to apply without delay. Students need only fill out the application ONE time. Once accepted, the student will remain in the program.

The following courses from Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, IA (FBBC) may be taken for dual credit at FBCS, satisfying FBCS Bible requirements:

  • B-SU 101 – Old Testament Law, History & Poetry – 3 cr
  • B-SU 102 – Old Testament Prophets – 3 cr
  • B-SU 104 – New Testament Survey – 3 cr
  • B-RE 101Introduction to Bible Study – 3 cr