Students may be called to the office for counseling and prayer, as well as for any needed disciplinary measures. Students are expected to maintain a good attitude. Respect for those in authority, namely the administration, faculty, staff, and all church personnel, is essential. Back-talk and disrespect will not be tolerated. Vulgarity, profanity, cheating, stealing, fighting, and lying are examples of behavior serious enough to be a cause for suspension.
A Christian student functions scripturally when his/her heart attitude is right with the Lord, producing actions that honor and glorify the Lord.
Improper attitudes will be identified by the faculty, clarified by the administration with the student and parent. Targeted attitude problems are:
- Disrespectful of authority
- General apathy
- Scornful of spiritual things and others
- Argumentative (personal nature, not class discussion)
- Directly disobedient
- Improper language, either written or verbal (This includes taking the Lord’s name in vain)
These attitudes will be dealt with through prescribed disciplinary actions as well as biblical counseling with an administrator or someone designated by them. Our goal is not just external conformity to the expected standard, but a transformation of heart that will result in a positive change of attitude and activity. When such counseling results in visible and measurable positive change, the student may continue here at FBCS. However, a negative or apathetic response may result in suspension or dismissal, depending on the severity of the problem. FBCS will seek to maintain students who strive to live in a manner that pleases the Lord in all that they do, both in and out of the classroom.
At times, the administration may need to have a student removed from the FBCS enrollment or placed on disciplinary probation when it is in the best interests of the student and the school. Students on disciplinary probation may be removed from the school if their behavior patterns do not improve. When a 7-12th grade student is on disciplinary probation, that student cannot participate in any extracurricular activities. A student on disciplinary probation, no matter what the grade level, forfeits the privilege of representing his school publicly. Students in graded classes (examples: choir, band, journalism) will report to, participate in, and receive credit for those classes, but will not take part in any performances or programs.
When class bells ring, students must be in their seats, ready for class. However at the end of the period the students are NOT dismissed by the bell, but by the teacher. Students may not leave a classroom during a class period except for illness, a special emergency, prior permission from the teacher, or with a signed pass from the office. Each student is responsible to bring all necessary materials to each class. Coming unprepared to the same class twice in one calendar week will result in a referral/lunch detention. Students are not to go back to their lockers after class has started without expressed permission from the teacher.
When students move from one class to another, they must do it in an orderly, quiet manner. There is to be no running, pushing or unnecessary noise in the hallways or on the stairs. For safety and smooth flow of traffic, all students are to stay to the right, as well.
Eating food and candy outside the atrium without teacher permission will not be allowed. Gum chewing is not allowed in any part of the building BEFORE, DURING OR AFTER school. All buildings and their contents belong to the Lord first and foremost. Let’s be good stewards of the excellent facility the Lord has allowed us to have!
For secondary students: The office telephone is not intended for student use except in the case of an emergency. Student use will be primarily limited to use on the way to lunch and after school. In an effort to teach responsibility, parents will not be telephoned for books, lunches, assignments, instruments, etc., that have been left at home. Transportation and social events should be arranged ahead of time and not on school time. Cell phones are not to be used during the school day.
For elementary students: The office telephone will be available for student use, with permission, in the case of an emergency. In an effort to teach responsibility, parents will not be telephoned for books, lunches, assignments, instruments, etc., that have been left at home.
Students are not allowed behind the counter in the school office. Copiers are not for student use. Copies are 10 cents per side of a page on a cash only basis.
Unacceptable Items at School: Knives or other weapons are not allowed at school at any time and will be confiscated. Magazines, athletic equipment, toys, electronic and related items such as: MP3 players, iPods, radios, CDs & players, DVD recordings, tapes, movies, and any electronic game or other such device as well as any other item not directly related to the educational program may be confiscated if brought to school. Items confiscated may be held until the end of the school year, at the Administrator’s discretion. At the Administrator’s discretion, the item may be returned to the student or to the parent, under the instruction to not bring the item to school again. Cell phones, eReaders, tablets, and notebooks are only to be used if permission is granted, and are to be stored in the student’s locker during the day.