I began teaching part-time eight years ago when my last child entered Kindergarten. I have a degree in elementary education with a minor in English. My loves are the Word of God, my husband, children and feeding people. I get to be involved with all of them through the ministry God has given me at FBCS.
I came to faith in Christ at the age of ten. My parents were introduced to the good news of Jesus Christ when I was eight. The whole family went to church from that point on. It took awhile of hearing the Gospel (that Jesus died on the cross for my sin, was buried, and rose again) before I responded to the message. I believed that Jesus died for me in my 5th grade Sunday School class. I will forever be grateful for the teachings on Paul’s life in the book of Acts, but especially for the account of the Philippian jailor who said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” The response came in Acts 16:31,”Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved…” That was enough for the Philippian jailor, for Paul and for all mankind, and it was enough for me! I have been on a journey with the Lord for almost 40 years and am continually amazed at His love for me and His plan for my life. I have been married to Mr. Hodak for 29 years and have loved the ministry that God has given to us through our family of 5 beautiful daughters, our church and especially at Fourth Baptist Christian School. My prayer is that God will use me to bless you and your children.