Our Elementary grades use the A Beka program primarily. Beginning in the fourth grade, Saxon math is used.
Our Secondary grades follow this Academic Track guideline:
7th Grade |
8th Grade |
Bible – Proverbs – Wise Up! (Positive Action) |
Bible Survey – Route 66 (Positive Action) |
World Studies (BJU Press) |
American Republic (BJU Press) |
Life Science (BJU Press) |
Earth Science (BJU Press) |
Algebra ½ (Saxon) |
Algebra 1 (Saxon) |
Writing and Grammar 7 (Townsend Press) |
Writing and Grammar 8 (Townsend Press) |
Groundwork for a Better Vocabulary (BJU Press) |
Building Vocabulary Skills (Townsend Press) |
Literature – Excursions in Literature (BJU Press) |
Literature – Excursions in Literature (BJU Press) |
Physical Education |
Physical Education |
Keyboarding/Computer |
Keyboarding/Computer |
Choir |
Choir |
Electives: Band, Handbells, Junior High Athletics |
Electives: Band, Handbells, Junior High Athletics |
9th Grade |
10th Grade |
Bible – The Inner Man (Positive Action) |
Bible – The Life of Christ (Positive Action) |
Physical Science (BJU Press) |
Biology (BJU Press) |
Geometry (Prentice Hall) |
Algebra 2 (Saxon) |
Writing and Grammar 9 (BJU Press) |
Writing and Grammar 10 (BJU Press) |
Improving Vocabulary Skills (Townsend Press) |
Advancing Vocabulary Skills (Townsend Press) |
Literature – Elements of Literature (BJU Press) |
Literature – Fundamentals of Literature (BJU Press) |
World Geography (BJU Press) |
World History (BJU Press) |
Health/Physical Education |
Spanish 1 (BJU Press) |
Electives: Band, Choir, Mixed Ensemble, Handbells, Art, Home Ec/Life Skills, Anatomy (new for Fall 2015), Computer Applications, Yearbook, Woodworking, Study Hall |
Electives: Band, Choir, Handbells, Mixed Ensemble, Art, Home Ec/Life Skills, Anatomy (new for Fall 2015), Computer Applications, Yearbook, Woodworking, Study Hall |
11th Grade |
12th Grade |
Bible – Genesis: First Things (A Beka) |
Bible – Understanding the Times (Summit Ministries) |
Revelation: Church History (A Beka) |
Speech (BJU Press) |
Chemistry (BJU Press) |
American Government (BJU Press) |
GTA 3 – Advanced Math (Saxon) |
Economics (BJU Press) |
English Essentials (Townsend) |
English Essentials (Townsend) |
Literature – American Literature (BJU Press) |
Literature – British Literature (BJU Press) |
Advanced Word Power (Townsend Press) |
Word Clues – Greek and Latin Roots (Glencoe McGraw-Hill) |
US History (BJU Press) |
Advanced Course Options: |
Spanish 2 (Destinos) |
Calculus (Saxon), Physics (BJU Press) |
Electives: Ignitia Computer Curriculum Electives, PSEO options, Choir, Band, Handbells, Mixed Ensemble, Art, Home Ec/Life Skills, Computer Applications, Anatomy (new in Fall 2015), Yearbook, Woodworking, Teacher Aide, Study Hall, |
Electives: Advanced Spanish, Ignitia Computer Curriculum Electives, PSEO options, Choir, Band, Handbells, Mixed Ensemble, Art, Home Ec/Life Skills, Computer Applications, Anatomy (new in Fall 2015), Yearbook, Woodworking, Teacher Aide, Study Hall |
FBCS Grading Scale:
A+ | 100 | A | 95-99 | A- | 94 |
B+ | 93 | B | 87-92 | B- | 86 |
C+ | 85 | C | 78-84 | C- | 77 |
D+ | 76 | D | 71-75 | D- | 70 |
F | 69 & below |
- Progress reports may be sent home for any child who failed a test or quiz, who has an excessive number of incompletes, or who is in danger of failing the quarter. These are to be signed by the parent and immediately returned to the appropriate teacher.
- Midterm reports will be sent home after half the nine week grading period has been completed. Elementary students must return their midterms signed by their parent. Questions about grades and grading procedures should be addressed to the appropriate teacher directly. Please be reminded that a test will count more heavily than a daily grade when figuring averages.
- Report cards are issued for each nine week quarter. They should be examined, signed by the parent, and returned within one week (except for the 4th quarter). The final quarter report cards will be withheld until tuition payments, lost or damaged items, and other fines have been cared for properly.
Faculty & Staff E-mail
E-mail is rapidly becoming the most efficient way to communicate between the home and school. Note the faculty e-mail addresses available on this site.
Retention Policy
- Students in grades K-3 who fail reading and one other subject, and students in grades 4-8 who fail two academic subjects (including Bible) will be retained. Senior high students (grades 9-12) who fail a required course must repeat that course in order to graduate.
- Special fifth quarter tutoring equaling 30 class hours in an effort to pass the class is possible for junior and senior high students if the final grade percentage is 65% or above.
- Any student who is repeating a grade will be on academic probation during the second year. If the student is failing at the end of the first semester, that student will be withdrawn from the school.
- Students in excess of 40 days absence will be retained in grade or risk forfeiture of all academic work.
It can be expected that most elementary and secondary students will have some homework each night. It is difficult to determine a definite amount of time that each child will spend, since each child works at varying speeds in different subjects. (A general guide would be from 30 minutes to 2 hours a night.) The faculty desires to be as reasonable as possible, but it will be virtually impossible to prevent an occasional grouping of assignments in a number of subject areas. Normally some class time is given in order that students will have an opportunity to get an understandable start on the assignment. Complaints about excessive homework are often traced back to the student’s failure to effectively use their class time or study halls. The kind and amount of homework depends upon the grade level involved; but areas in which some homework might be anticipated are in areas of drill, poem and verse memorization, reading and math assignments, and research projects. Any parent who feels that his or her child has too much homework is asked to immediately call the appropriate teacher.
Memorization & Book Reports
Weekly Bible memory verses are required at every grade level. The New King James Version is used for memory purposes. Throughout the year, secondary English teachers and elementary teachers (except K4 & K5) will assign a poem or prose selection to be committed to memory by the students. This selection will be recited or written in class by the appointed day. Each month all students in grades 2-12 will read one assigned book. During the final week of the month every student will be required to give either an oral or written report in class.
All book reports and poems are due on the last class day of each month. Book reports and poems not completed by that day will receive a late grade. For each succeeding day the material is late, the grade will go down 10% of the initial value until a grade of zero is reached. This system of penalties will also be applied to all late work. All assigned work must be completed and turned in for grading, even if it has reached a grade of zero.
Late Work
- Daily Work – All daily work is due when assigned. The value of the assignment drops 10% of its initial value for each school day it is late. Daily work is mainly used in math and English; however, the rule applies to any course giving daily assignments. ALL assigned work MUST BE COMPLETED even if it has reached a grade of zero. In the secondary, lunch detentions and p.m. detentions will be given for work that reaches three and five days overdue, respectively. In the final two weeks of school, p.m. detentions will be assigned until work is completed.
- Non-Daily Work – For non-daily assignments and/or projects, tests, term papers and reports, no day of grace will be given. For example, if a student is present Monday and Tuesday, but absent Wednesday, all non-daily assignments would need to be current on Thursday. Students who are present for the review for a test but are absent on an intervening day may, at the teacher’s discretion, be required to take the test on time. Note: Any assignments covering more than a week should fall under the non-daily assignments category. Exceptions may be granted by the administration as deemed appropriate (for example, a student is very ill and has a doctor’s note). Non-daily late work will drop 10% of the initial value for each day it is late. All computers and printers should be checked for proper operation such that assignments may be produced on time.
Makeup Work
All students that are absent will be given one day to make up daily assignments for each day of absence. For example, if a student is present Monday and Tuesday, but absent Wednesday, all assignments would need to be current on Friday at the beginning of each class period (except for those non-daily items covered in “Memorization & Book Reports”). Thursday would be the one makeup day. Only school days are considered makeup days. Assignments given while the student was present should be handed in the day he returns. Students who are present for the review for a test but are absent on an intervening day may, at the teacher’s discretion, be required to take the test on time.
Students Transferring
Students transferring to Fourth Baptist Christian School will not be required to make up the Bible courses offered before the date of transfer. We will attempt to transfer all recognized and legitimate credits to your FBCS transcript.
Required Credits
A student must have a minimum of 26 credits of classroom work in grades 9-12 to graduate; four credits each in math, history, science, English and Bible plus six electives. No full-time student will be allowed to take less than 6 class credits per year in grades 9-12.
Dropping and Adding
Students may drop or add an elective course during the first two weeks of school. A $10 fee will be charged for dropping or adding a course after the end of the second week of school. Students are obligated to continue in the originally scheduled course pattern until the request for change has been approved by both the parent and the administration. A drop/add slip must be completed by the office. The dropping of a course must be completed prior to the beginning of the second quarter in order to be handled without academic penalty.
Senior High Academic Credit Requirement
Senior high students who receive a final grade below 70% will not receive credit for the class.
A senior must have passing grades in all subjects at the midpoint of the last quarter, all books turned in and all fines and ordered services paid in order to walk the graduation line. All work (poems, book reports, research papers, etc.) must be completed before a senior may receive their diploma.
PSEO – Post Secondary Enrollment Option
FBCS does not participate in the off-site Post Secondary Enrollment Option. However, full-time FBCS juniors and seniors who qualify for PSEO courses may participate on-site and receive additional elective credits through pre-approved Distance Education programs. Courses offered by FBCS may not be substituted by PSEO courses. FBCS grants diplomas to full-time, on-site students who have completed all of the stated requirements.