Welcome to the Gr. 7-10 English Website!

This website is designed to help you, as a student or parent, stay on top of school assignments, upcoming projects, and requirements. Please browse through what is available, and use this website as a tool! CLASS HANDOUTS ARE NOW POSTED FOR PRINTING. Check your class’s calendar for daily homework assignments (updated weekly) and long term projects and assignments (many are already listed).

We will cover grammar, spelling, vocabulary, various forms of literature, poetry memorization, and various writing assignments (including a research paper). For more details, see the policy sheet for each class.

NEW THIS YEAR: Interactive notebook (INB) ~ This will be a pop-up style book we will create in a composition notebook throughout the year. The purpose is to provide students a convenient and fun way to take notes and have a “good” set of notes to use for studying. New entries into the INB will be posted on the class calendar. We will have INB checks approximately 2 times a month (a quiz grade), and they will be noted as “INB check” on the class calendar.

ShowMe.com ~ This website enables me to record short (2 minute) tutorials. When I anticipate or find the students struggling with a particular concept or assignment, I will record a tutorial and post it so the students (and parents) can watch it at home (or during break or lunch in my classroom). I am excited about the potential to assist the students in their learning through this tool. http://www.showme.com/–1631


Homework – 20%

Quizzes – 35%

Tests – 45%


Name goes in the top, right corner; assignment name goes on the top, left line.

Do not put vocabulary assignments on the same paper as grammar assignments, etc.

Please do not use paper torn out of notebooks; if you turn in a crumpled, torn, and/or messy assignment, be prepared to recopy it.

Rubrics must be stapled to literature and writing assignments prior to class (before the bell rings).

Homework is an INDIVIDUAL assignment, not a group project. Asking for help so you can arrive at the correct answer is different than asking for answers.

I review your homework to assess your understanding of the concepts discussed in class.

If you have any questions or comments about this website, please feel free to email me.
Mrs. Bruffey (mhbruffey@fourthbaptist.org)